It's always sunny in AZ, except when it's not

It's always sunny in AZ, except when it's not

Well, it's been a hot minute since my last life update. Doug and I have now been living in Arizona months? It seems strange that it's been that long. The first couple of months before I was working full time seemed to drag on, but now the months are flying by. 

I'm working full time for a company called OrthoArizona at one of their branches in Mesa. My office is only podiatry, so I'm learning far more about feet than I ever wanted to know. Word of advice: If you're having a hard day before heading to the doctor's, please do not take it out on the front desk people. They have very little control over anything. I get yelled at several times a week over things that have nothing to do with me, and it is completely unnecessary. 

Dougie is well into his flight training program. He recently passed his solo eval and one of three written tests, so he is now flying by himself. CRAZY. He has come so far in just a few months, and I am so PROUD of him. I am amazed that he had the courage to forgo the traditional school route for a less traditional one. He is living his dream.

Things haven't been all wonderful, unfortunately. A few months back, I was in a hit-and-run accident, where the driver took off after hitting me. My insurance covers nothing, so if we want to take the lovely dent out of the door, we have to pay for it ourselves. At least my car is 20+ years old. Just this week, I accidentally scraped one of my coworker's car while parking at work. Then the morning after, I discovered that someone broke into my car (That was parked on our driveway); riffled through all my things; and stole some money, an emergency preparedness backpack, and my jumper cables. I feel like I'm having literally the worst luck when it comes to cars. Maybe I should take up riding a bike instead? 

While the rest of the country is getting bombarded with snow, we've only gotten rain. I enjoyed those weeks of rainy gloomy weather, but I have to admit that I dearly miss snowy winters. It's weird to live somewhere that is too hot to wear a jacket by the afternoon in February. 

Things are not all bad. We've been so blessed to have Doug's parents helping us out. We also have some of our very good friends from Idaho now living here within a thirty minute drive (Shout out to Mark and Jess; Steph and Jon). Doug has promised multiple times that he will get me a dog when we are no longer living with this family, so I will continue scrolling through dog videos on instagram until that time comes. 

I saw a quote recently that gave me hope. It said, "Trials pass. They may pass like a kidney stone, but they still pass." Sometimes there are trials, but that doesn't make life bad. It can make life hard for a season, but it isn't for forever. 


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